
Edited · 1 minute read

My first post

I’m just starting out and making this cool new Hugo website as a blog teehee. This is called My First Post because that’s what the Hugo quickstart told me to call it :D.

If this post appears a little weird to you, I suggest changing either your browser (get out Internet Explorer) or your browser’s default sans serif font. I made this website as minimal as possible while still adding my own flair to it. Still looks weird and you think it’s my fault? No u. Send me a message on mastodon (writeblankspace@infosec.space) and I’ll see what I did or did not do wrong.


Edit 16 Jun 2024: I forgot this website existed for a while. I have since moved to a new Fedi instance, so now I’m on a Sharkey server: writeblankspace@shonk.social.

( #meta )

Last commit: f3ca412